Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ducks Are Buff!

So, although many people believe that ducks are skinny and should be hunted for duck soup and other things such as that, they are completely and totally wrong. Never believe a word they say, because they don't know what they are talking about.

So the other day I was watching a looney tunes comic when I spotted Daffy Duck. Now, I know that most everybody thinks of him with skinny arms and a face that just can't get blown off, correct? Wrong. Daffy is a prime example of a buff duck. He works out regularly and has one of those bodies that just doesn't stop. All the other ducks are really jealous of him, which is completely fine, as they should be. He is nearly invincible as well. No matter how many times he is shot at, blown up, destroyed, kicked, punched, and just plain beat up, he always survives. Isn't that correct? Yeah, that's what I thought.

If you don't believe all that stuff about dear old Daffy, just go out and observe some ducks in the wild, aren't they pretty kickass? I surely would NOT pick a fight with one, they are almost as good at kung-fu as Pandas are. Take my advice, stay away from them, unless you manage to befriend one, in which case you are pretty much set for life. You could also hire them as body guards, it would be a good idea.

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